Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – Dec. 2005
PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, Dec 6th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

Our President called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. He asked for the Secretary to read the minutes from our October meeting.  They were read and approved by all members present.

He asked the Treasurer for a report.  All members present approved the Treasurer’s report. The field committee chairman had not been to the field in 2 weeks so he did not know the condition of the field.  Mike said everything was all right when he was there Sunday.   He also reported one armadillo was killed Sunday.

The safety officer (Mike) said he did not have any unsafe events to report.  He did caution us that take off from any area other than the runway was against our field rules and should not be allowed.  He also cautioned and reminded us not to fly over the shed or flight line.


Charlie still has fuel available and Vic has caps available to anyone who needs it. Bob thanked Lee for his efforts in coordinating the contributions for Weldon and Susie.  Lee reported that a total of $1094 had been collected so far.

Lee reported that he talked to Weldon and that Susie is doing well and may be released from the hospital this Friday.  They will have to stay in Boston for another week or two so they can monitor her condition.  If everything goes well, they may be home before Thanksgiving. We are so happy to hear she is doing well.

Butch gave us a report on our October 22 fun fly.  He reported a good crowd, great weather, great food and a good time had by all.  We couldn’t have any of the contests planned because of the wind.  He plans to save them for our next event. Farley reported that the work day should include painting the tables, cut trees along the road, repair to the sign, and clean out the junk from the mower shed.  He said that since everyone was so busy, we might need to wait until after the first of the year to do it.

Butch donated some painting equipment to the club.


Mike suggested that we need to repair the sign and said that he has asked a sigh company in Baker for an estimate.  John Julinta, visiting with us tonight, said he was in the sign business and offered to help with the sign.  He said that we might consider making it with a thin aluminum back.  He and Mike will get together and work out the details.

New Member – Nick Polito applies for reinstatement in the club.  He is a past member who hasn’t flown in about 20 years.  All members present approved him.  He will become a member effective January 1, 2006.

B. C. reminded us that our budget year is coming to a close.  He asked us to develop and present any budget items as soon as possible so he can include them in next year’s budget.  He also reminded us that 2006 dues are due effective January 1, 2006.
Blackie commented that he needs help with the field committee.  He said that Richard Mason and Marvin Wooster have agreed to assist him on a trial basis.  He wants permanent help. And they are on a trial basis. Marvin Wooster moved that we compensate our 3 field committee members with $100 a year plus waiving their dues and paying their AMA dues.  This is to give them an incentive to be on the field committee.  The motion was seconded and approved by a 10 to 7 vote of the members present.

There was a motion to increase this incentive to $300 a year for the 3 field committee members.  It was voted down by a 13 to 4 vote.

Glenn Darce met Rick Broussard at a big bird this past weekend.  He builds target drones for the military.  He invited us to come to his shop in Broussard for a tour of his production line.  Glenn wanted to see if there was any interest in this tour.
Lee will call an events committee meeting before our next club meeting to develop a schedule and budget for next years club events.

Bob moved that we close in the south end of the flight line shed to provide shelter during the winter and rainstorms. The motion was seconded but tabled for later discussion and vote.

Vic was asked for a report of the nominating committee for next year’s officers.  He reported all incumbent officers had agreed to serve in their current capacity next year.  We will accept nominations from the floor and vote for our 2006 officers at our December meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made and we adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Willard Beard, Secretary 11/1/2005

The December meeting is the yearly meeting as defined in the club bylaws.  This is the meeting for voting on new officers.  By now the nominating committee should have all the names of those interested in running.  If not you can submit a name at the meeting prior to the election.  If you are not at the meeting don’t complain about who wins.

I received a notice of dues being due. Everyone else should have gotten this.  Dues are due at the January meeting, or as soon as you can get them to BC.